A 21 year old girl was arrested for hacking Anil Ambani's tax returns accounts and recently a boy of 20 years was arrested for hacking a RJD supremo Lalu Prasad Yadav's fb account and to say there are thousands of examples (like 8 year old boy hacked, 13 year old boy hacked his school system etc.,) which can be found on news on channels and posts on Facebook.
Why many hackers were very less age that below 20 or 25
The secret behind it is very simple
Children have a very high curiosity to learn anyhthing
But once upon a time there was no one to say except parents who may know or dont know and if they know they may havent had time.
But now for curious person there is a place for help.
That is INTERNET (for more details see Two I's that change ur life post on our blog)
This young people are asking it and it was teaching to them.
so their curiosity to do + information from internet was turning into this way like hacking, spamming, virus creation and many others.
At first when we start using phone we may have wondered & amazed how it works. But as we go on using it we start losing interest on how it works and after some time u will never have thought on it
As the age grows curiosity fades out. So if want to learn some new things always do it now.
Dont wait until you losses your curiosity on them.
English proverb :
We will never grow old until we lose child's curiosity to learn.
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